Is it just me or does the cute member of Rascall Flatts have mad gay face? I don't think he could be gay, because I'm pretty sure he married a super model or a stripper or something like that*. I don't remember…
Jo Don Rooney, I wish I could say I made that name up.
There was a point that I loved country music. My friends and I used to cruise around listening to Kenny Chesney at top volume. I dreamed of Tim McGraw and had a major girl crush on Faith Hill. I even went to see Rascall Flatts at the Tacoma Dome in 2005. Their song "I'm moving on" was a huge motivator in deciding to move down to Arizona with my husband. I enjoy partaking in the simpler things. Every summer we go out on the lake, drink Coors Light and burn to a crispy fuchsia.
This picture was taken after two bottles of gas station champagne and a smushed ham sandwich.
But around the time of the Dixie Chicks Top of the World controversy, I stopped liking it. I blame Toby Keith. He totally turned country music off to me. Now when I listen to country all I can think of is that man making comments about the Dixie Chicks (Who transcend country music) accusing them of being unpatriotic and even traitors for speaking their minds? I had thought that music could bring people together but apparently in some circles, country music is a good ol' boys game. It makes me sad.
[*just found out his wife was a playmate…and they named their son Jagger]
Ha ha ha!!! I love it! I feel the same way about the Toby Kieth situation. Speaking our minds is our right in America. We are a free country and the Dixie Chicks were actually showing how patriotic they are by utilizing these rights. Go Dixie Chicks! Love Love Love you Rosalie Linnea!